Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Reflection, and it Ain't that Scary Either

 Recently I celebrated my first six months of being a vegan and how the time has flown. It seems like just yesterday I was a reluctant vegetarian afraid of giving up my then true love, cheese. However I soon found that this love was just an infatuation, and my real true love Daiya walked in. That was the day that I changed my ways and moved on from my crush. 
 It seems now, as I look back, that this is pretty much the best thing that has happened to me. New worlds have opened up to me that would not have been possible if I kept up my old lifestyle. I truly enjoy each day more than I ever have before, which is saying a lot coming from the girl with some major issues. It has changed my life in every way for the better and I am so thankful for that. So as I reflect on how going vegan has changed me, I wonder how has it touched other lives? If it has for you, or in someone you know and you feel the need to share please leave a comment and inspire around you. - L 

"People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed"- Audrey Hepburn 

put in the box of shame

Dear Readers,
  I am profoundly sorry that I have neglected you in this fashion and I hope to never do so again. All though it is not particularly good, I do have an excuse. The devil that is school has returned, and I am in the midst of an epic battle with said evil. This battle has consumed my time, and detracted from the loveliness that is this blog and all it encompasses. To remedy this I will be trying to get post up at least once a week or more.  As I type this apology from my box of shame I hope it is within your lovely hearts to forgive me. - L